Peaceful Heart, Open Mind
"Close your eyes, take a deep breath, listen to your heart."
Friday, March 21, 2025
Sunday, March 16, 2025
March Goes On
Monday, the temperature got to 64 degrees....heavenly! So I opened all the windows to enjoy the fresh air. B and I decided since it was a nice day out, we should start to spring clean. It always makes me feel better when I can spring clean after the house has been shut up all winter. So we decided to start with the spare bedroom. We moved furniture, vacuumed everything to an inch of its life and B even carpet cleaned the rugs. We took note of the fact that we will have to repaint the ceiling but decided to wait until it got a lot warmer to do it as it would dry faster. It took us most of Monday but at the end we felt so much better standing in a room that just gave an air of spring.
Tuesday was a day for B to run errands so I stayed home and did some organizing in closets-the one in the spare bedroom as well as the one in our room.
On Wednesday, we started on spring cleaning our room. This would take more time as it is the largest bedroom. We decided to do half and finish the other half on Thursday. As we did in the other room, we vacuumed, moved furniture and B carpet cleaned the rug. Unlike Monday, the temperature was only in the high 30s so we needed to turn a fan on to help the rug to dry. But even though that took longer, we were able to get into the bedroom that night. We finished up the bedroom on Thursday with B noticing that the baseboards need to be replaced. He said it was no big deal and that he could do that on the weekend.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the snow started thawing on the road which has led to muddy ditches and potholes you could fit a car into. Since we live in a valley, B has started to keep an eye on the runoff coming from the hills down the road from us. It starts in the spring and usually turns our driveway into a lake. A couple of times it has flooded our basement so B got the sump pump ready and has been checking on the runoff daily.
Friday, we went to the used book sale at our local library. Sales of books go to the library fund which is a good cause. I donate books that I have read to the library so it is not strange to see some of them in the sale. B very rarely buys a book but he knows that books are my happy place and brings me whenever I ask. I bought 8 books and spent $14. Not bad. Next, we went to Lowe's and purchased baseboards for the bedroom as well as a new welcome mat for the front door. We also priced flooring and toilets as we will be replacing those things this summer. Since it was Friday and a no meat day during Lent, B suggested he buy us lunch at Red Lobster. We had a very good lunch of shrimp and linguini and were able to bring half home for dinner later.
The rain which had been coming down when we left the house had stopped and the sun had come out, so we went to the local thrift store and dropped off donations we had in the back of the car before heading home. When we got to our road, we saw that the county was grating the ruts and filling in the giant potholes which made out car very happy.
And just when you think spring is finally coming, we woke up to snow this morning. Not a lot of snow but enough to make you feel disappointed before your morning coffee.
I need Spring!
P.S. Just a little side note to Maebeme: I read your blog everyday but for some reason (which I haven't figured out yet), my computer won't let me comment.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Sunday Summary
Well, the beginning of March started quiet but it didn't last long.
Last Monday, B and I were able to get out and get haircuts. He said we were beginning to look like the hippies we had tried to be when we were dating so long ago. Funny man! After the haircuts, we headed to the grocery store to stock up as we had heard the reports of the snowstorm coming our way. It's a good thing we did because the snowstorm turned into a 2 day blizzard. The snow started on Tuesday as white fluffy but by Wednesday morning, it was that heavy wet snow. So between wind gusts up to 40mph, white out snow conditions and ice on everything, the only thing to do was hunker down at home. Everything was closed including the two universities which never close unless it is a full blown blizzard. We were lucky with power only going out once but only lasted an hour. Of course, getting out to get ashes on Ash Wednesday was completely out of the question but all of the churches rescheduled ashes for Thursday because of the weather. By Thursday, all had stopped except for minor flurries. We had so much snow at our front door that B had to dig it out for us to open the door. It took him all day to snow blow us out and then he only got the front of the house done. The second half he did yesterday. I hope this is the last storm of the winter but living in the UP for all this time, I know that is not always the way. We have gotten snow in May and June some years. Where is Spring!!
We were able to get out Friday and get our taxes done. Nothing too different from last year. We are getting a refund from the federal but nothing from the state. However, we don't have to pay anything to either one so we are happy about that. Who knows what the next 4 years will bring with a certain orange one and his minions in office.
My eyes after the cataract surgeries are doing beautifully. I am still getting eye drops but they should be done in another week. I am noticing how clear everything is when I am looking long distances. I still need my readers for close work but I can live with that.
For Lent, I am getting up earlier so I can spend a quiet hour focusing on my faith. With a cup of tea, my journal, and a devotional book called "Mornings with God" by Joyce Meyer (a Christmas gift), I try to focus on what I will give to Him to handle and what I can handle myself.
"If the heart wanders or is distracted, bring it back to the point quite gently and replace it tenderly in its Master's presence. And even if you did nothing during the whole of your hour but bring your heart back and place it again in Our Lord's presence, though it went away every time you brought it back, your hour would be very well employed."
St. Francis de Sales
I did remember to "spring forward" on the clocks.
Blessings to you all
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
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