Sunday, September 1, 2024

Hello September

I greet September with a mixture of regret and anticipation.  Regret in that the summer, my favorite season, is coming to an end.  Soon warm, sunny days, blooming flowers, afternoons at the beach, and lazy days rocking on the front porch will be replaced by cold, frosty mornings, wool sweaters, the storing away of summer furniture and preparing the yards for the coming months.  I will miss being able to have all the windows wide open and feel the summer breeze as it fills my house with the sweet smells of freshly mowed grass and lilacs.  My morning routine will no longer be sitting on the deck with my coffee watching the birds, chipmunks and squirrels scamper across my property having their breakfast and enjoying the morning warmth as much as I did.  And yet there is an excited anticipation of September.  The colors of Autumn-red, orange, gold, green-will cover the trees and yards showcasing a beauty that only God and Mother Nature can create.  The taste of hot chocolate with marshmallows in  large china mugs and freshly baked brownies as an afternoon treat.  Watching children jump into piles of leaves as they enjoy the simplicity of play.  The sound of the school bus rumbling down my road at 6am and knowing that since I am retired, I can just turn over in my bed and go back to sleep.  The beginning of football season and the anticipation of cheering loudly for my team even though they are on the tv and cannot hear me.

So with anticipation and regret, I bid farewell to August and greet with a welcoming smile the month of September and remember what is written about life's seasons.

"To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time of war, and a time of peace. "  ( Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday Walkabout

 I have been trying out my new camera so I thought I would share some pics I took around my house.

                                                      The crabapple tree B planted this year

                                                           My hydrangeas are blooming

                                                               The apple tree is full this year 

                                                           Chickadees like the suet cake

                                                             The woodpecker likes it too!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Summary for the Week of August 5

                                                          Al is so interested in my blogging

Monday, B & I went grocery shopping.  What a way to start the week. We have been having meals from our pantry and freezer but still needed to purchase other things. I shopped with a list and coupons and still it was very expensive.

Tuesday, I had to empty three flower pots that have been on my deck.  The flowers had finally given up and there was nothing to do but toss them.  The pots were kept and put into the garage for next year.  I still have three pots of flowers left and they seem to be hanging in there.  It seems the creatures of nature have decided that my plants are an open air restaurant for them.  The deer have had a marvelous time munching on my hostas and now the chipmunks have decided to join them.  Perhaps they will go to lunch someplace else soon.

Thursday, I went to see my specialist.  It was a fairly early appointment as I had another one at 11am.  Turns out when I got there that I misread the time and showed up a half hour early.  What fun! A half hour sitting in the doctor's waiting room.  He did have some good news, not much, but enough for me to hang onto.  He also asked me to get blood work done while I was there.  Seeing as I had time after his appointment and the lab was not that busy that early in the morning, I was able to have blood drawn before my 11am appt.  I was quite happy that the girl was able to do it in one poke.  It seems my veins are "floaters" and sometimes it takes 2 or 3 pokes to draw blood. My 11am appt is always a short one.  Once a month I have to go in for a B12 shot since medication doesn't seem to work for me. I was out of the medical building finally at about 11:30am.  

B and I then went to the library (one of my happy places). I donated some books that I had finished reading.  They have a set up in the library where you can purchase used books for $1 to $2 and the proceeds going into the library fund.  It's a good cause that I donate a lot to.  I was able to pick up 3 more books to read.  B always says that leaving me alone in a library and/or bookstore is a mistake because I always come out with a pile.  After the library, B took me to Applebees for lunch.  I love their mozzarella sticks plus I like their lunch special of 1/2 salad and bowl of soup.  I had the grilled chicken salad and the tomato basil soup.  Afterwards it was to the farmer's market where we picked up peaches, blueberries and tomatoes.  A trip to the local antique store had nothing of interest and then we headed home.

Friday, B did some work on the house and I wasn't feeling up to anything.  I stayed in and read one of the library books, cuddled with my cat, Al and watched the Olympics on tv.

So that was the week.  It looks busier than it really was but busy enough to help keep my mind off things.  Hope life is treating all of you well.

                                                            "God has a plan.


