Thursday, February 18, 2016

Decluttering for Lent

Lent, for me, is a time to not only give something up but also to give something an individual, an organization, a community, etc.  Normally, during Lent I would give twice as much to my church in the Sunday collection plate.  But this year, I decided I wanted to do something different.  Giving money is great but how easy that your wallet, pull out the money and drop it in the basket.  Out of sight, out of mind.  It gave to someone or something but it did nothing for me.  Lent is when I should be learning about sacrifice, about appreciating the sacrifice Jesus made for us by experiencing one of my own.

While trying to get some inspiration on how to "give something" for Lent, I came across a post from a woman who chose to combine giving with decluttering.  She took a large trash bag and beginning on Ash Wednesday and each day thereafter, she put an item of clothing from her closet in it.  At the end of Lent, the bag of clothes would be donated to an organization that would see that the clothes go to people who need them.  Now you might say what does decluttering have to do with sacrifice.  Well, have you ever looked thru your closet and said, "I can't get rid of that.  I will wear it one day" or "When I lose 5 pounds that will fit again" or "That will come back in style soon".   Then you choose not to get rid of anything and clothes hang in your closet never to be worn again.  Decluttering the closet is like decluttering our lives.  Jesus wants us to focus on what is important in our lives not on the clutter.  He sacrificed His life to show that nothing else is more important than the life He gave us.  When He asked Peter and the apostles to follow Him, He told them not to bring anything.  They did not need anything but Him.  He is not asking us to totally get rid of everything, He is just asking us to share what we have so that we can follow His teachings better.  So, I have begun this Lent declutter project.  To my surprise, I am finding that it is not as hard as I thought it would be to declutter my closet and each time I put a piece of clothing in the bag, I pray and remind myself just where my focus should be.

Dear Jesus,
Just as I declutter my closet
one article of clothing at a time,
Help me to rid my mind and heart
of all the negativity and unimportant stresses
that take my focus off You.
Help me to focus on what You gave us
because of Your sacrifice on the cross
and help me prepare my mind, heart and
soul for Your coming on Easter morn.


  1. Hello My Friend,
    It is so good to read your blog. It reminds me of many conversations we've had across the table from each other over the years. I, too, am thinning out this Lent. I am reading a wonderful book, 40 Days of Decrease, by Alicia Britt Chole. I highly recommend it! In it the author says, "Decrease is a spiritual necessity."

    He must become greater; I must become less.
    John 3:30
    I pray your Lenten decluttering gives you much peace, and growth!

    1. I think of those days too. We always had the best group for those discussions. Of course, nothing compares to the conversations we had at the GB conferences. I am going to read the book you recommend. It sounds good.

  2. Hello My Friend,
    It is so good to read your blog. It reminds me of many conversations we've had across the table from each other over the years. I, too, am thinning out this Lent. I am reading a wonderful book, 40 Days of Decrease, by Alicia Britt Chole. I highly recommend it! In it the author says, "Decrease is a spiritual necessity."

    He must become greater; I must become less.
    John 3:30
    I pray your Lenten decluttering gives you much peace, and growth!
