Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hello Fall!!

Today is the first day of Fall.  It doesn't look like Fall in my neck of the woods yet.  The leaves have not changed color although in some places in the UP, the colors are absolutely majestic.  I do love to watch the colors change from the greens, blues and yellows of summer to the gold, red and bronze of Autumn and I wait anxiously for that time here where I live.   The temperatures have definitely gotten cooler....."sweater weather" my mom used to say.  Soon it will be time to put away the summer clothes and get the winter wardrobe into the closets.  Quilts have been put on the beds and windows which were wide open in summer are now closed to just the smallest opening.  Meals that were made up of cold crisp salads, corn on the cob, steak on the grill and tart lemonade will move into hearty soups, bowls of chili, warm homemade bread and hot coffee.  There will be many outdoor chores to do: putting away the patio furniture, getting the landscape ready for its winter hibernation, storing away the lawnmower and checking that the snowblower will be ready when needed.  The days are getting shorter and all too soon, this season will pass and winter will make its entrance.  Until then, I will sit at my window with a hot chocolate with marshmallows and watch as the farmland around me becomes a canvas of color God paints each year.

1 comment:

  1. Ellen, I very much like the serenity with which you accept changes, more so the time you take to enjoy all that each season has to offer. I'm always so caught up chasing deadlines, I don't sit still enough for the beauty of life to fall deep into me. But I'd like to try, starting now, before the creamy green day gives way to sunset blushes. Caitlynne.
