Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th of July 2018!!

On this 4th of July 2018, I have become increasingly aware that our country is going thru a major shift in unity, loyalty and pride toward the foundations that made our country the democracy it is.  The reasons for this shift I will not go into here as they are my personal opinions and I choose not to debate them in this blog.  So I will instead attach this prayer and hope that all of us who call ourselves Americans look within to see if we are the problem or the solution.

Dear Lord,
So many today misunderstand freedom believing that
it is the ability to do whatever we want.
Help us always to remember
that freedom, true freedom, is being able to do
what we ought to do.
That freedom, true freedom, is not indulging
our every want and whim, but instead is the ability
to rise above any desires that are wrong, disordered,
dangerous or excessive.
Give us the grace always to remember that
true freedom makes us the people you wish us to be,
that true freedom brings us closer to you, and reshapes
our world in the likeness of your kingdom.


(printed on facebook by St. Christopher Catholic Church)

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