Tuesday, July 24, 2018

His Hand

Did you ever wake up one morning and just know that the day would bring something for which you would need great strength?

Last Wednesday was that moment for me.  I awoke that morning just knowing that I would need all the strength I had to get thru the day.  But I also knew that I would probably need more.  I remember the first thought I had was, "please, Lord, I am not strong enough for this.  Please help me."  As hard as I could to have faith that He would answer my plea, I was not sure.  Did He believe that I was much stronger than I thought I was and did not need His help?  I did not believe that.  So I continued to call upon Him with the same urgent request.  Later in the day, the news was given to me that I didn't want to hear but I knew in my heart that it was so.  I listened to the words trying to take it all in and yet, I still sent out my urgent plea thru my heart.  Afterwards it was a matter of how to tell others the news.  I sat in the car next to the one I had walked thru 45 years of life with and tried to explain.  My voice cracked, my eyes watered up and my words faltered but in that moment I felt a hand on my shoulder and a gentle voice saying, "you can do this...I am here."

"Even before a word is on my tongue, Lord, you know it all.  Behind and before you encircle me and rest your hand upon me." (Psalm 139:4-5)


  1. Ellen, I just saw this. I was bring you some 'flowers' and then I read this. We have three days left till this month leaves us and I have great faith in 3 day novenas. July is the month of the Precious Blood of Christ and so, I will stay by God's Heart and plead the Blood of His Son for you.

    You're not alone, Ellen. I too am here for you.

    1. Thank you so much. I am of the belief that God brings us what we need in the people He puts in our path. I know that God has brought you and your prayers into my life and I feel blessed.
      Blessings on you and yours.
