Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day 2019

me and my valentine
My Valentine doesn't give me candy and flowers on Valentine's Day.  My Valentine has spent 45+ years being my partner, best friend, helpmate, sounding board, cheerleader, comforter, protector and father to our children among other things.  He has been there in good times as well as hard times.  He has taken care of me when I have been sick and praised me at my accomplishments.  He has made me laugh when things seem dark and he has held me when life has gotten so heavy. 

He doesn't come out and say all the romantic, mushy stuff but he lets me know his feelings in other ways.  He will take my hand when we are walking.  He will kiss me during the day for no reason at all.  He will bring home a treat when he goes out just because he wants to.  He will cuddle on the couch with me when we watch an old movie.  He will sit patiently in a clothing store as I shop (just to name a few). 

My Valentine doesn't need to give me candy and flowers on Valentine's Day to show his love for me, he does that every day.


  1. The past 2 weeks have been physically tiring. Today was the first I got the chance to breathe a little, hence I was understandably in recovery mode and looking to take things easy.
    But then I came here and there's this utterly beautiful post about old-fashioned love - pure, deep and honest. Humble, sacrificial, not looking to make a statement, yet so powerful a testimony in its gentle sweetness.
    Suddenly, I feel a surge of strength to give the house a quick clean and to go get dinner going for my husband and kids.

    That's the power of True Valentine love.

    1. I am sorry that things have been weighing down on you and hope that life will get easier. It is hard sometimes to just take things easy. I know I have that difficulty too. I do want to say that your writings always bring a smile to my face and brighten my outlook. You have a gift from God to share His love with others. You are a valentine to me. God bless.
