Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday Smiles 8/10/2019

* 8 large turkeys walked across our front lawn in single file.  I kept waiting for the one in the lead to call out, "left, left, left right left".

* Our son AJ came home for a surprise visit.  He moved 2 months ago to Minnesota for work.  He had a few days off and decided to surprise us.  What a super way to start the week!

* It seems every September for the last 5 years, we have had so much junk in our garage that we have to hire two guys and a truck to haul it away.  Th junk is an accumulation of stuff that my sons seem to want to store in our garage and then decide they don't want it.  All that junk makes it difficult to park the car, lawnmower and snowblower in the garage as it was intended for.  Having the guys come costs us about $100.  This year my husband and I realized we didn't have to do it.  It seems there is no more junk being stored in our garage that doesn't belong there.   A successful decluttering project!

* I found the cutest cat paperclips in Hobby Lobby.  I am a nut for anything cat related.

1 comment:

  1. As usual, I enjoyed everything in your post - but especially the 1st one about the 8 turkeys trotting on the lawn. What a beautiful sight that must have been! Initially, I wished you had snapped a gorgeous pic of it; but then I realized that by watching and enjoying them quietly, you chose the better part.

    There's another thing your post did for me, Ellen. I'm on 9 day break here and yesterday, the 1st day of the 9, I had this idea to give something beautiful to God instead of my usual aches and pains and whines. I plan to make a bouquet of each of my 9 days and give it to my Lord.

    Yesterday was Offering Day. Everything I did, I gave it to God without holding anything back for myself.

    Early this morning, I decided to ask God what He'd like from me. After a few moments, I became aware of a song in my head - Thank You - sung by a young girl. I immediately realized that God was asking for Thanksgiving and thankfulness today!

    To confirm that, here's your post about - turkeys! Turkeys - Thanksgiving, the symbolism was as clear as day.

    God bless you, Ellen, and bless you again.
