Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Whatever Wednesday

 And now for a bit of a rant...

I am always amazed at how many bloggers post every day and these are not just short posts but 3 or more paragraphs posts!  I have tried to post every day but I think my life is way too boring to share daily.  So this is a short post on what I have been thinking about this morning.


  1. I couldn't post everyday either. Unless I'm travelling, then it's easy. But I figure a weekly update is sufficient to keep my readers interested and continuing to follow.
    Do what works for you! :)

  2. Well, we don't all have the same feathers. So, it's understandable that while a post a day might fit into the range of capabilities of some bloggers, it's probably not the case with you and most certainly not with me - although in your case, it's definitely not because you have a boring life. If anything, Ellen, you seem to have a very full life, filled with all sorts of activities, reflections and experiences. It is a life lived in love, in camaraderie and peace. How rich a life! And although you don't post as often as others, yours is one of the few blogs which always has some valuable nugget of learning for me.

  3. I try, but many times fail. Posting when you can is good enough.

    God bless.
