Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday Musings

 This morning as I started my day as I usually do with prayer, tea and journaling, I came across a question from one of my readings.  It resonated with me because one of my words for 2025 is "self".  Taking the time to focus on what I can do for me as well as for others.  My journal writing this morning focused on this question. However, I will not share that here but thought I would share the question with you.  Perhaps it is something you have thought about already or could move you to think about it.

"Are you living the life you want or simply the life that is happening to you?

Blessings for the new year to all of you.


  1. What an interesting question! I had to dwell on that for a while and I think it's really a little of both.

  2. I really am not sure, but I am trying to live the life I want.

    God bless.
