Saturday, February 1, 2025

January Ending

So January has come to an end.  It was a busy month but that's what makes the winter go faster and then we get to the seasons I love: Spring and Summer.  So here we go on the wrap-up.

January 20th was a Terrible Monday so no point in even reminding us about that.

On Tuesday our satellite service went out.  We have a dish for tv seeing as we live too far out for cable.  At first, we thought it went out because our area was having bitter cold temperatures (-40 degree wind chills for 2 days).  We hoped it would kick back in once it got a bit warmer but it didn't.  So we called the local company to come out and take a look at it.  Well, it seems that the owner of the local company retired last Fall and we now had to call the DISH company directly.  So I called and the "service" person told me a couple things to do to fix the satellite without them coming out.  She also wanted me to buy a new system and I kept saying "Let's just fix this one". I hate when they try to sell rather than help.  Well, we tried all her ideas and no go.  So I called again the next day and got this very nice service person who didn't try to sell me anything, said he would send a service person out the next day. Thursday morning, the service person was at our door.  After checking it over, he found the signal was going to the dish but the signal was not coming from the dish into the house.  It seems the cable from the dish to the house had to be replaced which he did outside in below freezing temperatures.  He was done in 3 hours, we had tv again and when I asked what I owed, he said under our DISH warranty, we owed nothing.  What a good day Thursday was.

On Tuesday, the 28th, we went out to dinner with our youngest son and dil to celebrate her birthday.  We went to Red Lobster and had a wonderful time.

Got to almost 40 on Thursday, can't wait for Spring...more cold and snow to start February

B and I went to a Gun and Knife Show in Escanaba, which is about one hour away. He doesn't buy anything but likes to walk around and talk to old friends.  Afterwards he took me out to lunch and then we went to a discount grocery store and got quite a few things on sale to fill the pantry at home.

So onto February which will be busy with cataract surgeries and dr appts.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful surprise on the Dish repair. Getting colder here as well along with snow. I am glad that February is short as the forecast for the upcoming week is not nice at all. I have always wanted to go to Red Lobster, but I am not sure if the restaurant is open here any longer. Rumors had it closing and I haven't heard anything since.

    God bless.
