Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Whatever Wednesday

It's that time of year when the Autumn projects must begin.  B and I began by going thru the freezer and pantry to see what we needed to replenish.  This includes any items we might need for the holidays as I prefer to buy on sale now rather than wait for the high prices that happen right before Thanksgiving and Christmas.  With the list made, we will be working on that this month.

All the windows were closed up and checked for drafts before the cold weather sets in.  Two needed to have the weather stripping replaced and one where the screen was damaged, we put in a piece of plexiglass for the winter.  This screen we will replace in the spring.

All the lawn decorations have been removed and planters were emptied and put in the garage until next year.  A couple of plants survived the frost this week, so I brought those in the house in hopes of keeping them going until spring.

B and I got the garage organized for the deck furniture to be put away.  We also brought all the cushions and rugs into the garage to dry out before we put them in the basement for the winter.

My son and dil came over after work and helped us take the deck furniture off the front and back decks.  It seems B and I can't do as much as we could before so they offered to do it for us.  It was rather fun with all the giggles about mom and dad watching the young ones do the work and, of course, supervising from their chairs.

They also brought along the pictures from the wedding.  In my opinion, everyone in the pictures looked wonderful except me.  I told the kids I looked incredibly old in the pictures. They laughed and said, "you always say that, mom.  That's why you won't let anyone take your picture."  This is true.  I prefer to be the photographer of the family then the subject of a picture.  They usually take pictures of me when I am not looking.  Of course, B made big points by saying I still looked like the girl he married 50 years ago.  Such a cute man, I've got.

My son was all excited because he got a new snowblower at a great deal.  A $2000 machine for $800 and only 1 year old.  Now he can't wait for snow.  I can wait.

My oldest son had his house painted and he sent me pictures of it.  It looks really nice.  He had professionals do it because the house is so big and they were going to spray paint whereas he would have had to do it by hand.  All in all, he saved time and money.  My dil loves the new color as it was white but now it is a coastal blue.

We took a ride to the Keewenaw Peninsula which is at the top of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  It's about a 3 hour drive but the colors this time of year are absolutely breathtaking. 



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