Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January Goals, How did I Do?


1.  Credit card vacation - great!  did not use the credit card at all.  

2.  Reading - goal was at least 4 books this month - done!

3.  7 1/2 to 8 hours sleep per night - only 4 nights in January where I only got 6 hours

4.  Cooked at least 3 times a week. B is a much better cook than I and likes doing it so we share.

5.  Decluttered a good deal of stuff.

6.  Annual dental checkup completed.  B needs a new upper and I need crowns but these will be relooked at in spring when money is better.

7.  Annual Medicare physicals completed.  B's blood pressure a bit high. got new medication and has a recheck scheduled for February.  I am about the same which is to say I am still not doing well.  More medication to add to my daily regimen.

8.  To lose 1-2 pounds in January  - lost 5.  I am happy.

9.  Post on blog at least once a week - been doing better at that even though I think all of you have more to post than me.

As an extra happy note for January.  This has been the warmest January in the Upper Peninsula in many many years.  Barely any snow and the temperatures are in the 30s sometimes 40s.  Now if the rest of the winter could be like this, I would be a very happy camper.  However, as a Yooper I know that this weather is just a tease and soon we will have freezing cold and snowstorms dropping 1-2 feet of snow.  But I will enjoy the tease while it is here.



  1. Well, I give you an A+, my friend! You had a very productive month! Have a cozy evening.

  2. After our really low temperatures at the beginning of the month, things warmed up considerably. Water every where and the ice and snow are almost all gone.... Just getting ready for the next big storm come the 7th of this month if the weather pundits are correct.
    Good for you in getting all those goals met.

    God bless.
