Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Remembering 9/11

Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard what happened on that day?

I was at school teaching my second graders when I was called to the office to answer an important phone call from B.  He said that he had just seen on tv that the Pentagon was on fire and that planes had slammed into the towers in NYC.  I told my principal.  She said she would check it out and to go back to class.  After a while, she went to each of our classrooms, explained about the towers and Pentagon and told us to go on with our day as normal as possible so as not to upset the students.  That was one of the hardest teaching days for me.

1 comment:

  1. I totally remember that day. I was working nights at the time, so I slept a little later that morning to prepare for being awake all night. I got up and turned on the tv and a few minutes later the second plane hit. I will never forget.
    I can't imagine teaching on that day.
