Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Autumn Chores

Well, Autumn is here in the UP!  It is time to enjoy the beautiful colors that come with the change of season.  It is also the time to do all those tasks to prepare for the coming months of cold and snowy weather.

We began our annual Autumn tasks by straightening up and cleaning the garage.  It is amazing what can be accumulated over the summer months.  However, room had to be made for all the summer things being put away.  

Once the garage was prepared, we took all the outdoor furniture off both the front and back decks, storing them in the garage until next spring.

Then we tacked down an indoor/outdoor carpet runner on the front deck making a path from the front door to the steps.  The deck gets extremely slippery during the winter and the carpet runner makes for a safer walk to the driveway.

Plastic outside insulation was tacked up on a number of windows on the house specifically those that get the most wind during winter.

Plants and bushes were trimmed down to their winter growth and bird feeders were hung in places easier to get to after the snow comes.

The snowblower was moved closer to the front of the garage near the door so it was easy to get to when the time comes. The lawnmower was moved to its winter spot in the back of the garage.

My craft box which contains everything I have been saving for the cold indoor days and nights has been organized and my piles of books (which seems to grow constantly) are at the ready.

B made his famous (he says) homemade chicken noodle soup.  I have to admit it is very good.  But then B is the chief cook in this house.  I am called the slo cooker queen by the kids but B is a much better cook than I am.

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