Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunday Summary

 *Cleaned up the garage while getting things out for the summer months.  Do this every year and by September, it is in chaos again.  B and I realized that we had so much junk that we called the youngest son and asked him to come out with his truck, load it up and take to the dump.  When he did, he fould some things he wanted: old wooden steps to make over for his deck, boxes in good shape to use to organize his garage, etc.  So he took what he wanted back to his house, came back and loaded the rest to take to the dump after the holiday.

*Made a list off plants and bushes I want from the local nursery.  Weather should be good on Tuesday or Wednesday to head there.

*Excited to see buds on my lilac bush.  We  did not get any blooms last year so am hoping for them this year.  I love the smell of lilacs.

*Saw 3 hummingbirds and an indigo bunting at my feeders on Friday.  I love watching the birds as does my cat, Al.

*Have been trying to use what is in the freezer and pantry for meals.

*Gas prices are outrageous so any errands are bundled together (if possible) on days when we have medical appointments.  Also, when making a medical appointment, I always ask if it is possible to do both of ours on the same day and times close together to save on gas.  Usually it works out that it can be done.

*Hard to believe that May is about over.  The months seem to go by so fast this year.  I am hoping that the summer months take their time as we don't have that much warm sunny weather to enjoy before the cold weather of Fall and Winter return.

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