Monday, January 4, 2016

Inspirational Monday

To me, Mondays have always been the hardest day of the week.  It is the day you must shake off whatever relaxation or downtime you experienced over the weekend and get yourself into more of a work mode.  Whatever your "work mode" is, be it a 9 to 5 job, school or housework, Monday is the day (in my opinion) when your brain has to settle into that situation.  So I am always looking for a way to ease myself into the Monday mode.  I have found that when I use some kind of inspirational
quote, story or image to help me start my week, it makes the transition less stressful.  I want to share this with you, so Mondays will be inspirational on this blog.  It might be a quote, story or image. I hope it helps you face whatever life throws at you even for  a short time.

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