Monday, November 5, 2018

Rethinking the direction of my blog...again!

It's that time of year again when I am rethinking where my blog should be and where is it going.  I have made some changes this year.  Some I like and some I don't like.  I am trying to find more of a personal focus for my blog but inspiration is slow at arriving.


  1. I don't know, Ellen, I think you're doing fine - content wise, that is. I always learn something when I come here, and if not, there's always something to chew on for later. What makes me love your blog is that I can sense you write from the heart. You're not spewing someone else's thoughts, it's all yours, in its gentleness, truthfulness and directness. It's a searching, thinking blog. And there aren't that many of its ilk around.

    I don't usually introduce blogs I like to others, but maybe I'll make an exception here. There's a heart much like yours and it's Ann's from

    If you read her from when her blog first started in 2014, well, she's really grown some! She's 60 now but as young at heart as they come.

    1. I went right to blog you mentioned and I love it. I have added her blog to my list of favorites. I also want to thank you for giving me that boost I need when I am feeling down about my blog. You inspire me to keep going.
