Friday, March 15, 2019

3 Reasons I Am Still On Facebook But Don't Want To Be

I don't particularly like Facebook and since last year, I have been deleting posts, videos and pictures I have saved.  I am considering seriously of deleting it altogether, however I still have reasons to stay on it.

1.  Communicate with family.
I have a number of family members who, for a number of reasons, I do not communicate by     phone with often.  Facebook is an easy way for us to connect even if it is just to say "Good morning. Have a good day.  Love you".

2.  Keep up on the news of my former school.
I am a retired teacher and Facebook is a way for me to keep updated on what is happening in my former school. There is a school website but Facebook lets me see what individual colleagues are doing as well as keeping up with former students.

3.  Groups that focus on my interests.
I belong to a number of groups on Facebook that relate to interests and pasttimes of mine.  However, I have been paring these down as well.

1 comment:

  1. Some things are necessary evils and perhaps, Facebook is one of them. The important thing to remember is that no one has the right to enter your space and control you.
