Saturday, March 23, 2019

Happy on a Spring Day

Today is a beautiful Spring day in the UP.  The sun is shining, the temperature is in the 40s and 50s and although there is still lots of snow on the ground, it is still a beautiful Spring day.  I decided to take this Spring feeling and list the small things that make me happy.  During the winter months, the list of things that upset me gets pretty long but when Spring arrives, I find my spirits lifting and appreciating the small things in life.  So here it is...

10 Things That Make Me Happy

1)  Spring breezes coming through the open windows after a long winter

2)  That first cup of coffee in the morning

3)  Cuddling and talking to my pets

4)  Starting a book and realizing I won't be able to put it down until I'm done.

5)  My blue cuddly blanket still warm from the dryer

6)  Phone calls and text messages from my children

7)  New journals whose blank pages are inviting me to write

8)  Watching the same movie over a dozen times and still enjoying every minute of it

9)  Chocolate ice cream with crushed pretzels mixed in

10) Sitting on the porch on a summer morning listening to the birds call

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