Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday Musings

"Does God answer all prayers?"

"Yes, but sometimes the answer is No!"

How many times have we prayed for something and we didn't get it?  Then because we didn't get what we asked for, we ranted and raved at how mean God is.  How He doesn't listen to us.  How He helps everyone else but us.  Didn't we ever stop to think that God has a plan for us and what we want and prayed for was not in the plan?  What we prayed for was not what we needed at that moment and time in our lives?  Shouldn't we have faith in God that He knows what we need and that sometimes what we need is not what we pray for?


  1. So true! And those no's can be hard, but sometimes when you look back you can understand it. And sometimes we never do but have to trust.

  2. Thank you for this much needed reminder!

  3. God knows exactly what we need and many a time our prayers and asking is not really what he wants to give us at that moment in time.

    God bless.

  4. Such true words indeed! A beautiful cat in your photo - is that your cat I wonder?

    1. Yes, that is my cat AL. He's a looker and a mommy's boy.
